Anyways, there are reasons I have been too busy to not update this darn thing. I have 3 kids under 3! AYE! I never thought I'd say that but I am. We had such a tough time getting pregnant with the twins (15 months worth which is nothing compared to struggles many other people have had but it seemed like eons for us) that I thought I would have a hard time the 2nd time around. I had my clomid prescription filled to start my 2nd month of trying since month 1 was a flop and I waited and waited and waited..................then SURPRISE!! I was pregnant month 2! W-O-W! I was so in shock that it took me a day or two to even tell K.
Nearly a year after finding out I was pregnant so quickly, here we are with TWO 2 1/2 year olds and a 3 month old. Crazy how life turns out, right?
My little peanut is growing up so fast and I'm trying to desperately cherish every moment since she is my last child...........per K! He is D-O-N-E! He does not want any more. I'm so happy and thankful he compromised on having 3 children since he only ever wanted 2. I wanted 4 so we met in the middle. He has an appointment next month for
This next chapter is all about raising our children and being the best parents we can be! And with a smiley, happy baby (see below), we will have no problem achieving this!