Monday, December 28, 2009

Last growth ultrasound................

From now until the boys are born, I will not know how much they weigh. As of today:

Twin A - 5lbs 4ozs
Twin B - 5lbs 14ozs

Over the last 2 days I have had increasing lower back pain just like I felt a week ago when I was sick and at the hospital. At my non-stress test today I was having a lot of spikes in my uterine activity so we'll see if it keeps progressing over the next few days. My doctor said that at the point I'm at now (36 weeks), if I were to go into labor, they would not stop it and would let me have them.

The boys continue to look great, though. Fluids are good, weights are good and they have full heads of hair!!!! Now we all just can't wait to meet these little men. I am measuring about 47 weeks right now and I'm only 36 weeks so I'm pretty darn big with almost 11lbs of babies in me.

Besides all that, no new news has progressed. It's now just playing the waiting game and wondering when will they arrive. Will they come this week, next week or when the c-section is scheduled?? We'll soon see.............

Here's to hoping for new years babies,

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