Sunday, November 20, 2011

Speechless Sunday

I think I'm going to start a new blog title that will fit me appropriately today. My husband and I have been trying for the last few months for another and after the same infertility pattern going off the pill as with the twins, I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago to start my medical journey to another baby. I am anovulatory and just like when I went off the pill last time, my cycles progressively got longer and longer with each month. For some reason I was thinking about it yesterday and thought, it's already 4 days longer than last month, I should have my cycle by now. So I decided to test...........

Faint but most of you know the saying 'a line is a line'

I was so scared because in my mind, I had my prescription and this was just not supposed to happen. I took another test later in the morning and it was negative. Probably because it was diluted, I'm sure. I thought to myself, this is a false positive.

Well, this morning, I got another!

Still faint but darker than the first!

I have no idea what to think. I am pretty sure I'm still in denial. I don't feel pregnant but I have been feeling off. My husband and I have had this past week off work and I've been sleeping more than usual napping in the afternoon almost every day and sometimes in the morning if I could.

Next thing to check off my list...............trip to the doctor!

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