Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And the sickness begins.......

After a week and a half of sleepless nights with Jaxson, we finally decided it was time to take him to the doctor. As any mother of multiples knows, if one is sick, they both (or all) are sick.......so we took Jayce as well to make sure he was fine. Turns out Jaxson has a double ear infection and Jayce has just one ear infection. My poor babies. Thankfully this is only the 2nd ear infection in 2 years so so far, they are not going to need tubes and I hope they don't. They have been pretty darn healthy for their 1st year of life!

Their one year shots are scheduled for January 7th but since they were there yesterday, I got to see how much they weigh. Jaxson is staying steady at 19lbs and Jayce is staying at 20lbs. I think now that they are moving more, they are maintaining their weight.

Jaxson also is getting in his 8th tooth.....I can see but it hasn't poked through yet. Jayce has 8 already and is getting #'s 9 and 10! They are just cruising right along..........

Speaking of cruising, Jayce is pretty much walking on his own. Crazy that he is but I started walking at 9 months so 11 months for him isn't too shabby. Jaxson started talking first and now the roles are switching. Jaxson is starting to take steps on his own and Jayce is starting to talk.

So far Jaxson says:


Jayce says:


They are growing up too fast for me when I sit and think about it sometimes but it's all the growing up process and I love it. Am I crazy for saying I can't wait to have more?

1 comment:

Jodi said...

My twin's just out grew their tubes. They have had them in for almost two years. I am hoping they don' t need another set. Good luck poor babies.